During the lecture, Zbigniew Mielżyński will talk about his speciality – instrument modifications. His specialisation is the reworking of a Schidemayer grand piano from 85 to 88 keys (frame, bridges, keyboard mechanism, strings, tuner), reworking of a Blüthner Patent grand piano to a repetitive mechanism (drawing of keyboards and mechanisms), reworking of the Viennese mechanism to a contemporary one in Kerntopf grand pianos (from 85 to 78 keys), reworking of Steinway pianos (models M, O, K, A, B, D, I).

Zbigniew Mielżyński has been in the profession for 60 years. He graduated from the Piano Building Technical School under the supervision of Gustaw Fibiger (1967). He worked at the Calisia Piano and Piano Factory since 1967. He was the corrector of the mechanism. During that time, he made about 450 piano corrections.
He was the master of the piano department in Calisia, after Gustaw Fibiger left the factory. For 12 years he was a proofreader instructor at the Technical School of Piano Building. In 1975 he completed a Steinway piano tuning course in Warsaw (organized by Rolf Drescher). Then he assembled the harpsichord – a Flemish virgin.
In 1983 he founded the first private keyboard instrument repair shop in Kalisz. Together with Leszek Konstanciak, he is the owner of three patents for really piano and resonance dies. In 1984 he was a co-founder of the first Association of Piano Correctors and Tuners. In 1993, he carried out a renovation of the only Fibiger piano with double repetition.
In 1997, he organized a piano production department in Legnicka Fabryka Piano i Piano and set up the technological process. In Abiz Factory (later taken over by Schimmel in Kalisz), he organized a piano factory. For this purpose, he trained 8 piano correctors, made 82 drawings of parts for production, and over 5 years 250 instruments were made. He finished his professional career at Schimmel, where he worked for 5 years as a manager.
He specializes in remakes of instruments:
– a Schidemayer piano from 85 to 88 keys (frame, bridges, keyboard, strings, pincer) – he made over 300 such modifications,
– remakes of the mechanism in a Blüthner piano Repetition patent (drawing of keyboards and mechanisms),
– modifications of the Kerntopf piano from 85 to 78 keys,
– modifications of Steinway pianos (models M, O, K, A, B, D, I) – he made over 300 such modifications.
In 2016, he organized a concert in Kalisz with a symphony orchestra for 21 pianos.

The event is organized by the Association of Polish Piano Tuners
Wykład: 3 września (sobota), godz. 10.45, sala Universe 1